Meeting, According to the West’s Mainstream Media

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While some Western journalists are wondering whether the first face-to-face meeting between the two leaders will turn into a macho-man competition, others are dead serious in predicting that the talks “could shape the world” and that “the fate of the Earth” might be at stake.

Name-calling and comedy video sketches, pessimism and fear mongering. That’s how the West’s mainstream media has responded to news of the upcoming meeting between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump at the G20 summit in Hamburg.

The Handshakes

While you might expect funny video compilations of Donald Trump’s “peculiar handshakes” on websites like the Huffington Post, this time the genre is being explored by Newsweek. The mainstream publication talks about Putin’s “pure machismo” meeting Trump’s habit of making “his every handshake with a world leader into a test of both symbolic and physical strength”.

© AFP 2017/ Odd Andersen, Jim Watson

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