Trump Aides’ Biggest Worry About Europe Trip: Meeting With Putin

Articolo tratto da The New York Times By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS and GLENN THRUSHJULY 5, 2017

WARSAW — President Trump arrived in Europe on Wednesday for three days of diplomacy that will culminate in a meeting with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, which has the potential for global repercussions and political fallout back home.

Even his top aides do not know precisely what Mr. Trump will decide to say or do when he and Mr. Putin meet face to face on Friday on the sidelines of the Group of 20 economic summit gathering in Hamburg, Germany. And that is what most worries those advisers as well as officials across his administration as Mr. Trump begins his second foreign trip as president, stopping first in Warsaw to give an address on Thursday and then heading to Hamburg.

The highly anticipated

President Trump and the first lady, Melania Trump, leaving the White House on Wednesday for a trip to Poland and Germany. Credit Al Drago for The New York Times

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