WHAT’S ONWORK FROM SOMERSET HOUSE 12 Agosto 2021 In Cultura WHAT’S ONWORK FROM SOMERSET HOUSE YOUR VISIT https://www.somersethouse.org.uk/whats-on/photo-london-2021?utm_source=Courtauld%20Institute%20of%20Art&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=12506164_August%20at%20The%20Courtauld&dm_i=91M,7G1TG,585FCA,UGCZN,1 #WHAT'S ONWORK FROM SOMERSET HOUSE Ernesto Neto’s work dissolves the boundary between art and audience, highlighting the entwinement of our fate with that of other creatures. L’Almodóvar incompreso, il capezzolo galeotto, e il social da censura Articoli correlati Dominique Tarlé. Meet the last of the singing Marsh Arabs Marina Cvetaeva, Arianna, Mimesis editore/ Filosofie del teatro Piazza del campo in salsa nazionalista.