Impressioni di settembre. 365 giorni indistinguibili
Lalla Essaydi
Amin Montazeri
Photography and the Objet Manqué
Lalla Essaydi’s Still in Progress at Leila Heller Gallery, Dubai, draws audiences into a modern-day harem that utilises photography to rewrite narratives
Fashion’s Nonconformist Rei Kawakubo at the Met
“I due Pirandello”, un dialogo per immagini
Gian Paolo Barbieri
Corpo a corpo | Body To Body
1970s style seen through the lens of Guy Bourdin – in pictures
Fotos: La Guerra Civil, vista por un cuáquero inglés
Rematerializing Photography
Found in Translation: Design in California and Mexico, 1915–1985 is a groundbreaking exhibition about design dialogues between the two states.
Mostra di Duccio
Piranesi. La fabbrica dell’utopia
Donne del ’900
Manifesto per Venezia
Trittico in avorio
Centre de Gravité. The Force of Gravity. Photo project
Vincenzo Agnetti, dalla parola all’immagine
Marguerite Yourcenar: Portrait mosaïque
Bauhaus Museum
NSK from Kapital to Capital. Neue Slowenische Kunst
Schuermann, Wilhelm
“Nello studio”, la pittura intima e visionaria di Alberto Gianquinto.
Labirinti del cuore. Giorgione le stagioni del sentimento tra Venezia e Roma.
Art Nouveau
From the Archives: Fourth of July Fireworks at New York Harbor.
Innovative Platforms