Gabriel Isak’s pastel palettes of mist-covered skies and boundless oceans are disturbed by bold, standardised silhouettes on figurative journeys. 5 Settembre 2021 In Cultura Gabriel Isak’s pastel palettes of mist-covered skies and boundless oceans are disturbed by bold, standardised silhouettes on figurative journeys. #Gabriel Isak Storia del mercato dell’arte : 30 giugno 1939. Lucerna Mixing It Up: Painting Today Articoli correlati David Shrigley: “Vedo genio dove gli altri vedono spazzatura” Gli eroi? I perdenti Be Out of Business by the End of 2020, Survey Says + Other Stories A Herculanum, les hommes et les femmes ensevelis par le Vésuve avaient des menus différents