Elementi di analisi

Dear everyone,

According to recent survey from South Africa and India, the epidemiology researchers have found another possibility of why certain nations been heavily hit by this Wuhan China’s mutant coronavirus ( WHO’s so called COVID-19 virus). It’s whether people already received BCG vaccine in their childhood.

If you compare both the prevalence rate and death rate of any nation of this map below, you can see the country with RED colour(C) didn’t vaccinated BCG at all, as for BLUE colour (B)only vaccinated to selective citizens with BCG. To BROWN colour (A) indicated mandatory BCG vaccination.

Now you can see this marked map can simply explain the possible connection between the BCG vaccination and incident rate of this Wuhan coronavirus. BCG vaccine can prevent Tuberculosis infection may also boost our immunity of respiratory system against this terrible Flu-like pneumonia virus.

Maybe this point can help us to understand more about this Wuhan China’s Coronavirus.

Best regards,

Dr. Palden Carson, MD, DPH, DSports Med(UK).
President of the World Tung’s Acupuncture Association ( W.T.A.A.)
106 Main Street, Unionville, Ontario, L3R2E9, Canada

Encl : World Map of BCG Vaccination and BCG Vaccine




Il dr. Palden Carson ci scrive da Toronto questa mail. Il dr. Carson è un medico tibetano, allievo di un grande maestro agopuntore cinese, laureatosi in medicina occidentale a Taiwan, specializzatosi a Londra e poi trasferitosi in Canada. E’ colui che ci aveva messo in guardia già a metà gennaio – dalle sue fonti underground cinesi – sulla pericolosità del Coronavirus. Noi pensammo che stesse esagerando.
Oggi invia questo report, da inserire tra gli elementi di analisi per valutare tutte le possibili concause che hanno prodotto questo impatto devastante che abbiamo avuto in Italia e in particolar modo in Lombardia.