‘When we were sad we listened to the Smiths’ – European critics on UK culture 6 Marzo 2020 In Cultura https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2020/mar/05/european-critics-on-uk-culture-this-is-europe?CMP=share_btn_tw #'When we were sad we listened to the Smiths' – European critics on UK culture Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara win Pritzker Architecture Prize 2020 Pintores irascibles contra el museo Articoli correlati Renzo Piano e il museo dell’Academy “E’ tutto da vivere, come un kolossal” A Tribute to My Teacher Gilberto Perez and His Eloquent Philosophy of Cinema Transnationalisms – Bodies, Borders, and Technology. Part 1. The exhibition. L’«apocalisse» della civiltà Gli appunti segreti di Croce.