“We’re not here to build for other architects, we’re here to build for all of humankind.” The World’s Best Architecture’ spotlights key buildings. 28 Maggio 2020 In Cultura “We’re not here to build for other architects, we’re here to build for all of humankind.” The World’s Best Architecture’ spotlights key buildings. https://aestheticamagazine.com/ #“We’re not here to build for other architects #we’re here to build for all of humankind.” The World’s Best Architecture' spotlights key buildings. Philip-Lorca diCorcia: Heavenly Bodies La notte di Walter Tobagi Articoli correlati Fabrizio De Andrè ”Amico Fragile” Ministero della Cultura: a rischio l’attuazione del PNRR? How Harvard’s Star Computer-Science Professor Built a Distance-Learning Empire Banks Violette