‘We lost our houses, our cars, our men’: call to protect Mosul civilians. 11 Luglio 2017 In Internazionale https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/11/we-lost-our-houses-our-cars-our-men-call-to-protect-mosul-civilians?CMP=share_btn_tw #mosul BBC News – Mosul: US commander says Iraq must stop Islamic State 2.0. À Mossoul, les défis pour gagner la paix. Articoli correlati L’uomo dell’azione politica russa apre un negozio a Kabul, sperando di ottenere accordi per Mosca Trump’s allergy to the written word and his reliance on oral communication have proven liabilities in office, writes. Chemical plant struck by Harvey now likely to explode. John Kerry “Il mondo è a una svolta per un futuro più pulito”