UN warned not to whitewash ‘grave violations against children’ in Yemen. 20 Luglio 2017 In Internazionale https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2017/jul/20/un-warned-not-to-whitewash-grave-violations-against-children-yemen-united-nations?CMP=share_btn_tw #Bambini #cildren #Yemen Fred Forest. US praises Qatar’s role in fight against ‘terrorism’. Articoli correlati Il Comitato Nobel per la Pace accusa: “Abiy, ferma la guerra nel Tigray” Education technology: Together, technology and teachers can revamp schools. Rouhani: Sanctions and extremism are the same. Assolta in Olanda la Shell accusata da quattro vedove di pesanti violazioni dei diritti umani in Nigeria