Two years into this pandemic, the world is dangerously unprepared for the next one, report says 9 Dicembre 2021 In Internazionale Two years into this pandemic, the world is dangerously unprepared for the next one, report says #report says #the world is dangerously unprepared for the next one #Two years into this pandemic Le scuole chiudono le aule il venerdì. I genitori sono furiosi. La persona più potente d’Europa — Italia Articoli correlati Mentre la pandemia si attenua, arriva la crisi Camerun: il dittatore Biya assediato dai dimostranti davanti a suo hotel a Ginevra 10 explosive revelations from new Trump book. « La pandémie a fait ressortir l’importance du politique » : une jeunesse politisée mais en quête de nouvelles formes d’engagement