The word ‘abstract’ derives from the Latin abstractus, or ‘drawn away’. Today, lens-based artists continue to push the boundaries of the genre 30 Aprile 2022 In Cultura The word ‘abstract’ derives from the Latin abstractus, or ‘drawn away’. Today, lens-based artists continue to push the boundaries of the genre #lens-based artists continue to push the boundaries of the genre #or ‘drawn away’. Today #The word 'abstract' derives from the Latin abstractus Reframed: The Woman in the Window « Guerre », roman inédit de Céline et nouveau chef-d’œuvre de l’écrivain Articoli correlati Se la libertà artistica sprigiona conflitti con l’etica Dir. Johnny Kelly A woman loses her husband, but in the process, finds a houseplant. An unlikely friendship forms between flora and human, but it… La priorità è consolidare il polo senese Come Bowlby ha cambiato l’infanzia.