“POLITE presents I AM AN INDIVIDUAL a film by Noir Tribe (English subtitles)” 14 Giugno 2020 In Cultura https://vimeo.com/237891923?ref=tw-share #“POLITE presents I AM AN INDIVIDUAL a film by Noir Tribe (English subtitles)” LOTTO n. 4 Area ex Gas-int posta in via Simone Martini “My Turtle Dove” Articoli correlati The Drift Sarah Sze is a sculptor and multi-media artist whose mesmerising works explore the influence of technology on human perception and memory Vénus et les Trois Grâces offrant des présents à une jeune fille | Musée du Louvre | Paris L’ideologo di Putin: “La Nato e gli Usa non entrino in campo o useremo l’atomica”