‘Mom, please make it stop’ Meduza special correspondent Lilia Yapparova was in Chernihiv in the final days before Russian troops cut it off from the outside world. Here’s what she saw. — Meduza 2 Aprile 2022 In Senza categoria ‘Mom, please make it stop’ Meduza special correspondent Lilia Yapparova was in Chernihiv in the final days before Russian troops cut it off from the outside world. Here’s what she saw. — Meduza https://meduza.io/en #'Mom #please make it stop' Meduza special correspondent Lilia Yapparova was in Chernihiv in the final days before Russian troops cut it off from the outside world. Here’s what she saw. — Meduza La Croce Rossa rinvia l’evacuazione di Mariupol al 2 aprile Colpire l’arma Articoli correlati Ballet Flamenco Sara Baras in ‘Voces’: Power of simple pleasures Gli strani affari della Cpl a Roma: appalto segreto per l’Auditorium. Silvia Bonucci, angelo laico dell’Italia più bella. Pd e Italia viva a Giani: ora una svolta. E preparano un nuovo programma