michael craig-martin:ordinariness 30 Agosto 2019 In Cultura https://gagosian.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d980c18f8b552c5b44742b1ee&id=28cf656773&e=fb081f393f #michael craig Femme/Objet: il femminismo punk di Linder Sterling Ludus – I Can’t Swim I Have Nightmares Articoli correlati « Guerre », roman inédit de Céline et nouveau chef-d’œuvre de l’écrivain A new series and collaborative project highlights the effects of the anthropocene, a geological age defined by humanity’s impact on the planet Per terra e per mare. Gli etruschi a Vetulonia ”Salmo”(1963) e ”Filamenti di sole”(1967) di Paul Celan