In a New Memoir, John Giorno Recalls the Night Andy Warhol Conceived of His Epic Anti-Film While Watching Him Sleep 5 Settembre 2020 In Cultura In a New Memoir, John Giorno Recalls the Night Andy Warhol Conceived of an Epic Anti-Film While Watching Him Sleep—Read an Excerpt Here #In a New Memoir #John Giorno Recalls the Night Andy Warhol Conceived of His Epic Anti-Film While Watching Him Sleep The Costs of Male Entitlement L’algoritmo contro l’homo fictus Articoli correlati Foucault. Le courage d’être soi. Wayward Potential: In Conversation with E. Jane. Analfabetismo funzionale, cultura di massa e fascismo: Umberto Eco ci aveva avvisati. Njideka Akunyili Crosby & Tsitsi Dangarembga