“I saw that the camera could be a weapon against poverty, against racism, against all sorts of social wrongs.” A Gordon Parks show opens in London. 10 Luglio 2020 In Cultura “I saw that the camera could be a weapon against poverty, against racism, against all sorts of social wrongs.” A Gordon Parks show opens in London. https://aestheticamagazine.com/ #“I saw that the camera could be a weapon against poverty #against all sorts of social wrongs.” A Gordon Parks show opens in London. #against racism Drug Money Exposition – Le Corps et l’Âme – De Donatello à Michel-Ange. Sculptures italiennes de la Renaissance | Musée du Louvre | Paris Articoli correlati “La fantasia non è storia” Storme Webber: Casino: A Palimpsest / Alison Marks: One Gray Hair. Nuit des Musées 2020 : 7 expériences virtuelles à tester absolument Un corpo a corpo con Ontani alla Gam.