Electronics have become the world’s fastest-growing waste stream. What becomes of old tech? Jeanette May explores this through still life 22 Gennaio 2022 In Cultura Electronics have become the world’s fastest-growing waste stream. What becomes of old tech? Jeanette May explores this through still life https://aestheticamagazine.com/ #Electronics have become the world’s fastest-growing waste stream. What becomes of old tech? Jeanette May explores this through still life Magnum Photos La fucina del complotto globale: negare la Shoah è il nuovo antisemitismo Articoli correlati Pablo Picasso x Thomas Scheibitz Sign Scene Lexicon Verso la cima del Monte Analogo salgono disperazione e filosofia Coronavirus, all’Occidente serve un nuovo “Progetto Manhattan” per la bio-difesa collettiva Viterbo, rinasce l’ex ospedale degli infermi: diventerà il ‘Borgo della cultura’