Divisions exposed over £66bn Brexit divorce bill. 19 Luglio 2017 In Internazionale https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/jul/18/eu-talks-divided-over-britains-brexit-divorce-bill-mooted-at-66bn?CMP=share_btn_tw #brexit Presidente Maduro convocó el Consejo de Defensa de la Nación. Don’t Tolerate the Intolerable from Chechnya’s Strongman Kadyrov (Op-ed). Articoli correlati L’asse Malta-Vaticano-Lussemburgo che preoccupa Generali Germany, Democracy and the World: The End of the End of History. BBC News – Italy crisis: Call to impeach president after candidate vetoed. North Korea Says It Might Fire Missiles Into Waters Near Guam.