CALL FOR PAPERS COMMON AND COMPARATIVE ESOTERICISMS: WESTERN, ISLAMIC, AND JEWISH – Fondazione Giorgio Cini Onlus. 8 Febbraio 2018 In Cultura CALL FOR PAPERS COMMON AND COMPARATIVE ESOTERICISMS: WESTERN, ISLAMIC, AND JEWISH #fondazione Cini In mostra il “senso di Nazione” degli artisti italiani degli anni ’50 e ’60. North Korea holds low-key military parade. Articoli correlati Photographisme. Klein, Ifert, Zamecznik. The four artists shortlisted for this year’s prize respond to the pervasive nature of information in the accelerating digital age. In a Nod to Hemingway’s Paris, Chaumet Unveils New Jewels With an Air of Glamorous Seduction. La chiesa di Calatrava sulle orme di Matisse