A Young Swiss Photographer’s Transfixing Portraits of the Women in Her Orbit 22 Febbraio 2020 In Cultura https://www.newyorker.com/culture/photo-booth/a-young-swiss-photographers-transfixing-portraits-of-the-women-in-her-orbit?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=onsite-share&utm_brand=the-new-yorker&utm_social-type=earned #A Young Swiss Photographer’s Transfixing Portraits of the Women in Her Orbit «Costituente Terra», la scuola che vuole salvare la specie umana James Welling Articoli correlati Medical Ethics and the Novel Coronavirus Il sonetto 33 di W. Shakespeare. Traduzione di Eugenio Montale. The Bronx Museum’s 50th Anniversary Gala & Auction Irving Penn.