WaterAid collaborates with photographer and activist Poulomi Basu on a series exploring the impact of a lack of water on women and girls 28 Gennaio 2022 In Cultura WaterAid collaborates with photographer and activist Poulomi Basu on a series exploring the impact of a lack of water on women and girls https://aestheticamagazine.com/ #WaterAid collaborates with photographer and activist Poulomi Basu on a series exploring the impact of a lack of water on women and girls L’agenda nera Cartoline, selfie, antiche stampe Articoli correlati Art Industry News: Scholars May Have Uncovered the Sad Truth About Leonardo da Vinci’s Legendary Lost Masterpiece Il panopticon alla rovescia di Cattelan nel vuoto che parla La paternità di parole di Gramsci, traduttore (stra)ordinario JOSEF ALBERS. APERTURA PROROGATA AL 12 FEBBRAIO 2012.