‘Hackers’ rusos ayudan a tener activa la web de referéndum. 28 Settembre 2017 In Internazionale https://politica.elpais.com/politica/2017/09/27/actualidad/1506539908_825347.html?id_externo_rsoc=TW_CC http://shr.gs/ut5BAec http://www.liberation.fr/planete/2017/09/27/voyage-dans-une-catalogne-independante_1598120 #barcelona After defying ISIS, ‘Kurds aren’t afraid of anything’. Lower House dissolved. Articoli correlati Romania: Tens of thousands protest for second night running. Altro favore al dittatore Al Sisi: record di rimpatri forzati verso l’Egitto US: Muslims to become second-largest religious group. FM cinese elabora la posizione di base della Cina sulla questione ucraina