Headscarf ban dogs Le Pen’s bid for the French presidency 19 Aprile 2022 In Internazionale Headscarf ban dogs Le Pen’s bid for the French presidency https://www.politico.eu/ #Headscarf ban dogs Le Pen’s bid for the French presidency Air road: come si svolgerà la nuova fase dell’operazione speciale in Ucraina La pace tra Spagna e Marocco per il controllo dei migranti africani spiazza il Fronte Polisario nel Sahara Occidentale Articoli correlati A Tunis, Macron critique l’intervention militaire de l’OTAN en Libye en 2011. Opinion: EU panic over Italian populism only exacerbates tension. Trump blasts back after Times publisher decries ‘enemy of the people’ attacks. Thousand Oaks gunman was a Marine veteran who often visited the site of the shooting