In the battle against Putinism, France is the new front 12 Aprile 2022 In Internazionale In the battle against Putinism, France is the new front #France is the new front #In the battle against Putinism Bucha’s Month of Terror Présidentielle : Macron et Le Pen ciblent l’électorat Mélenchon Articoli correlati Italie : que contient le programme de gouvernement conclu entre la Ligue et le M5S ? Forza Italia in pre-scissione L’ira contro Berlusconi “Lui e Salvini uniti da Putin” Sergei Sazonov: L’Occidente dovrebbe ignorare il ricatto nucleare di Putin e porre fine alla guerra in Ucraina Charlie Gard’s parents given 48 hours to produce new evidence for treatment.