“The Two Popes” Gives Way to Pope vs. Pope on the Issue of Celibacy in the Priesthood 3 Febbraio 2020 In Internazionale https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/the-two-popes-gives-way-to-pope-vs-pope-on-the-issue-of-celibacy-in-the-priesthood?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=onsite-share&utm_brand=the-new-yorker&utm_social-type=earned #“The Two Popes” Gives Way to Pope vs. Pope on the Issue of Celibacy in the Priesthood Cosa c’è in gioco nell’Iowa con Bernie Sanders Pour Julian Assange Articoli correlati How Catalan Nationalists Lost Their Way. Rassegna Stampa L’Ucraina riceve il rifiuto di SWIFT dai leader dell’UE L’ambasciatore russo Antonov ha criticato il pompaggio dell’Ucraina con armi occidentali