Since lockdown, museums around the world have been hosting Q&As online, making art more accessible than before. Discover five top picks. 17 Settembre 2020 In Cultura Since lockdown, museums around the world have been hosting Q&As online, making art more accessible than before. Discover five top picks. #making art more accessible than before. Discover five top picks. #museums around the world have been hosting Q&As online #Since lockdown An American Writer for an Age of Division Le cyber-sfide dell’umanità Articoli correlati Evola, il populismo e la Quarta Teoria Politica. What It Takes to Be a Short-Order Cook in Las Vegas A Venise, la vie et la mort vues par soixante-six artistes LA-based Hugh Kretschmer’s characters inhabit altered realities, where everyday objects appear off-kilter and things are slightly askew