Migrant death toll rises after clampdown on east European borders. 11 Settembre 2017 In Internazionale https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/11/migrant-death-toll-rises-after-clampdown-on-east-european-borders?CMP=share_btn_tw #Migrant #Migranti Da sora giorgia, la politica in trattoria. BBC News – Rohingya crisis: Myanmar rebuffs rebel ceasefire. Articoli correlati Trump push to deport Vietnam War refugees scalds California GOP L’ex presidente ucraino Poroshenko torna a casa per affrontare l’accusa di tradimento in mezzo alle tensioni con la Russia Thousand Oaks gunman was a Marine veteran who often visited the site of the shooting Government leads in patriotic education – People’s Daily Online.