Middle East Tunisians, Germans split over deportation of suspected bin Laden bodyguard. 20 Luglio 2018 In Internazionale https://p.dw.com/p/31m4H?maca=en-Twitter-sharing Tunisians, Germans split over deportation of suspected bin Laden bodyguard #Laden bodyguard Reversals and clean-up deepen questions about Trump and Putin’s one-on-one. Manifestant frappé : l’Elysée dans les cordes. Articoli correlati Peruano demanda a gigante energético alemán y está a punto de hacer historia. « Diplomatie du caviar » : comment l’Azerbaïdjan s’offre l’amitié de responsables politiques européens. Macron dice che intende discutere presto dell’Ucraina con Putin The 15 Saudis who flew to Turkey before Khashoggi’s killing