LA-based Hugh Kretschmer’s characters inhabit altered realities, where everyday objects appear off-kilter and things are slightly askew 18 Febbraio 2022 In Cultura LA-based Hugh Kretschmer’s characters inhabit altered realities, where everyday objects appear off-kilter and things are slightly askew #LA-based Hugh Kretschmer's characters inhabit altered realities #where everyday objects appear off-kilter and things are slightly askew Referendum eutanasia e cannabis, i promotori e Cappato contro la Consulta: “Fake news da Amato, manipolata la realtà” François Truffaut, nato 90 anni fa Articoli correlati Book review: We Can’t Stop Thinking About The Future. “Vi svelo il magnate di Fox News” Noam Chomsky Believes Trump Is “the Worst Criminal in Human History” 5 To See: This Weekend.