John Paul I was pope for just 33 days. The story of his death is still evolving. 8 Dicembre 2021 In Internazionale John Paul I was pope for just 33 days. The story of his death is still evolving. #John Paul I was pope for just 33 days. The story of his death is still evolving. “Saluti, signor presidente”: Biden e Putin tengono il vertice virtuale di 2 ore France: Caught between enlightenment and bigotry Articoli correlati News Press, 31 gennaio 2022 Taliban attacks cast doubts on US’ Afghan strategy. The Man Who Knows Donald Trump’s Financial Secrets Has Agreed to Become a Coöperating Witness. « Gilets jaunes » : et les Champs-Elysées se couvrirent de gaz lacrymogènes…