Installations that clear the air, light waves that reflect upon rising sea levels, a net that cleans up space junk: this is the work of Daan Roosegaarde. 5 Giugno 2021 In Cultura Installations that clear the air, light waves that reflect upon rising sea levels, a net that cleans up space junk: this is the work of Daan Roosegaarde. #a net that cleans up space junk: this is the work of Daan Roosegaarde. #Installations that clear the air #light waves that reflect upon rising sea levels Yinka Shonibare CBE Vasame – Enzo Gragnaniello Articoli correlati April 2022 – Announcements – e-flux Salviamo il patrimonio culturale italiano dal ministro Franceschini Juan Muñoz Ma gli animali già abitano le (nostre?) città