A new series and collaborative project highlights the effects of the anthropocene, a geological age defined by humanity’s impact on the planet 24 Novembre 2021 In Cultura A new series and collaborative project highlights the effects of the anthropocene, a geological age defined by humanity’s impact on the planet https://aestheticamagazine.com/ #A new series and collaborative project highlights the effects of the anthropocene Of Kings, Queens and Prostitutes O Dio o il Caos Articoli correlati Slideshow – Inland Empire: Live Art LA/LA – Interview Magazine. Per Habermas, l’occidente può evitare una guerra nucleare solo limitando il sostegno all’Ucraina Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, réalisateur de « Lingui, les liens sacrés » : « Je me bats pour ramener l’Afrique au centre de l’humanité » Come nasce una teoria del complotto e come affrontarla.