Dutch-born Thirza Schaap is fighting plastic pollution, transforming bottles, toothbrushes, lighters and disposable cutlery into sculptures. 6 Giugno 2021 In Cultura Dutch-born Thirza Schaap is fighting plastic pollution, transforming bottles, toothbrushes, lighters and disposable cutlery into sculptures. https://aestheticamagazine.com/ #Dutch-born Thirza Schaap is fighting plastic pollution Gerhard Richter con Hans Ulrich Obrist, Rashaun Mitchell + Silas Riener e Patti Smith Artistic research and production residency Prender-si cura to be held in Rome’s Mattatoio Articoli correlati NEIL JENNEY REALISMO AMERICANO OGGI Vai Pure. Keep going, an open call for audio and images from National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art (Rome) Bill Viola: A Retrospective Issue 227: out now